Portle vs. Traditional Methods of API Documentation

Portle vs. Traditional Methods of API Documentation

In today’s digital age, end user documentation plays a pivotal role in enhancing product adoption and user satisfaction. It’s essential to have well-organized, user-friendly, and up-to-date documentation that empowers your users to make the most of your digital products. This is where Portle comes in — a tool designed to simplify the process of creating end-user documentation. In this blog, we will explore the compelling reasons to choose Portle as your go-to documentation solution, as well as the limitations of alternative approaches. Let’s delve into why Portle stands out as the ultimate choice for crafting comprehensive and accessible user documentation.

Why not use my own developers to create a website hosting my end user docs?

  • Cost Efficiency: Employing developers to create and maintain a documentation website can be costly. With Portle, you can save on hiring additional resources and instead invest in a dedicated tool that streamlines the documentation process at a fraction of the cost.
  • No Bottlenecks: Updating user guides will need the involvement of your developers, which can create dependencies and delays. Portle empowers your product team, technical writers, and other non-technical colleagues to make updates independently, reducing bottlenecks and ensuring documentation stays up-to-date.
  • Time Savings: Portle significantly reduces the time spent on formatting and writing documentation. Its block-based editor streamlines the process, allowing you to focus on creating valuable content for your users instead.
  • Expertise in Documentation: The team behind Portle possesses extensive knowledge about the intricacies of end-user documentation. They have designed the product experience with a focus on user adoption, making it intuitive and efficient for all users.
  • Automated API Reference Generation: Portle’s Command-Line Interface (CLI) allows you to automate API reference generation, seamlessly integrating it into your DevOps workflow. This automation minimizes the need for manual intervention and ensures your API references stay accurate and up-to-date.
  • Enhanced Knowledge Base Search: Portle provides a robust knowledge base search experience, making it easier for users to find relevant information quickly. This ensures that your users can access the documentation they need without any hassle.

Why not create word docs and send those to my clients?

  • Limited Accessibility: Sending documentation as Word documents to clients can be inconvenient for them. They might need to download the files, and accessing the information may become cumbersome.
  • Version Control: Sharing Word documents can lead to version control issues. As updates are made, managing different versions can become confusing for both you and your clients.
  • Brand Experience: Using Word documents doesn’t offer a consistent brand experience. Portle allows you to maintain your branding and apply custom styles seamlessly to the documentation, providing a cohesive user experience.
  • Searchability: Finding specific information within a lengthy Word document can be time-consuming. Even tougher if there are multiple documents. Portle’s knowledge base search feature ensures end-users can quickly find what they need.

Why not host my docs on a GitHub readme?

  • Limited Formatting Options: GitHub readme files have limited formatting capabilities, making it challenging to present complex information or create visually appealing documentation.
  • Lack of Structured Organization: Portle’s editor allows you to structure your documentation in an organized and intuitive manner, while GitHub readme files may not provide the same level of organization.
  • Customization: Portle enables you to apply custom CSS, aligning the documentation with your brand. On the other hand, GitHub readme files have limitations when it comes to customization.
  • User-Friendly Editing: Portle’s editor is designed to be user-friendly, catering to both technical and non-technical users. GitHub readme files may require some technical knowledge and familiarity with Markdown syntax.

Why not write my docs in the form of blogs and host them as part of my product’s website?

  • Organization and Navigation: While blogs can be a valuable part of your product’s website, they may not provide the same organized and easily navigable structure that a dedicated documentation tool like Portle offers.
  • Documentation-Specific Features: Portle is designed explicitly for end-user documentation, providing features tailored to document APIs, user guides, changelogs, and more. Blogs may lack specialized functionalities for these purposes.
  • Searchability: Portle’s knowledge base search ensures users can quickly find relevant information, whereas searching through a series of blog posts might not be as efficient.
  • Consistency: Portle allows you to maintain consistent styling and branding across all your documentation, creating a unified and professional look. Blogs might not offer the same level of consistency.
  • User Guidance: Portle’s focus on documentation ensures that it guides users through the documentation efficiently, providing a seamless learning experience.

In conclusion, while various methods exist for creating and hosting documentation, Portle stands out as a dedicated tool tailored to simplify and enhance the end-user documentation process. Its ease of use, customization options, automation features, and searchability make it an ideal choice for ensuring that your users have access to comprehensive and user-friendly documentation at all times. Embrace Portle today and elevate your documentation game to new heights.

Written by Ronil Mehta

Written by Ronil Mehta

Dec Tue 2023

| 10 mins read

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An Arazzo Specification can refer to multiple OpenAPI Specs as well as other Arazzo Specs.

The existing Open API Specification deals with description of rest endpoints, while the Arazzo Specification deals with describing a sequence of calls to these endpoints to reach certain outcomes.

Number of products

(In Standard plan, Portle provides its users an option to create API documentations for up to 2 products, making it easier for you to manage your product’s documentations with just one account.)

Fully Customisable Branding feature

Portle’s users have the option to customise:

  • logo
  • Navbar,
  • dynamic link manager (customisable entirely)
  • version management border
  • Favicon
    All these can be customised with different colours & combinations.

Number of products

(In Standard plan, Portle provides its users an option to create API documentations for up to 2 products, making it easier for you to manage your product’s documentations with just one account.)

Provides API References

If you upload an OpenAPI spec based file, Portle will create the API reference doc for you! You can even directly create a spec based doc in minutes using Portle’s Lite-UI.

Published versions

Portle has no limitations for its users to publish versions of their documentations

Number of products

In free plan, Portle provides its users an option to create API documentations for one product


(Portle provides its customers with premium plan a dedicated support representative, providing resolutions to your queries in no time.)


Portle provides its customers with free plan access to priority slack channels - Customer care priority, feature request priority along with traditional mode of support.

Fully Customisable Branding feature

Our custom branding feature helps you create user-facing documentation that looks like an extension to your brand’s identity.

WYSIWYG Workspace

What you see is what your customers are going to see. Your Portle workspace and final output look the same, reducing back and forth between editing and previewing your docs.

Includes free Premium trial

Portle Provides free 14 days premium trial, no credit cards required

Manually edit API References

Portle allows the user to manually edit their API references , you can also use our “lite view” feature to easily add/edit your API references

Release notes

Portle's release notes feature provides a detailed log of updates and changes to your software, keeping your users informed.

Provides API References

If you upload an OpenAPI spec based file, Portle will create the API reference doc for you! You can even directly create a spec based doc in minutes using Portle’s Lite-UI.

Number of products

In premium plan, Portle provides its users an option to create API documentations for up to 4 products, making it easier for you to manage multiple product documentations with just one account.

Amazing Support

Portle provides its customers with premium plan a dedicated support representative, providing resolutions to your queries in no time.

Fully Customisable Branding feature

Our custom branding feature helps you create user-facing documentation that looks like an extension to your brand’s identity.

Includes free Premium trial

Portle Provides free 14 days premium trial for its first time users, no credit cards required.

WYSIWYG Workspace

What you see is what your customers are going to see. Your Portle workspace and final output looks the same, reducing back and forth between editing and previewing your docs.

Mobile supported versions for end user documentation

Portle provides mobile support for its end user documentation with a good looking & easy to navigate through user interface.

Allow both Open API Spec & Custom Spec

Portle provides support for both Open API Spec & Custom Spec.

Release notes

Portle provides its users with “Release notes” feature that helps in keeping logs & communicate about the technical changes to their products.

Validate API Documentations

With Portle, users can easily validate their API documentations directly through

Custom Domain Feature

Portle provides you with the option to add your own custom domain to your documentation making it an extension to your product.

Provides API References

If you upload an OpenAPI spec based file, Portle will create the API reference doc for you! You can even directly create a spec based doc in minutes using Portle’s lite-UI.

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